Monday, April 30, 2007
To Bonnie...Mommy...and whoever else I made fun of...
I admit it...You have converted me!
CROCS ARE WONDERFUL! My feet felt great my entire vacation and they were so easy to clean off if they got dirty! I admit it, I was wrong, they may be funny looking but dangit, they feel great!!!
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12:13 PM
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We're Baaaaaaccckkkkkkk!!!!!
Did we have fun? What do you think? Look at that face!!!! Talk about AWSOME! We had a great time. Cameron thought it was the neatest thing to swim up to a bar and get unlimited apple juice (or the occasional strawberry daiquiri) and just float for hours. Cameron even fell asleep in the pool...thank god I was there to catch that little noggin...he went face first into the water! Just a few snap shots from our fun this past week! Enjoy!
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11:58 AM
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Thursday, April 19, 2007
Aunt Bonnie...
It came to my realization today that my neice has a very special name that she has always referred to me as "SaSa"...ummmmm what's Cameron's gonna be for Aunt Bonnie? BoBo just doesn't sound right, BaBa sounds like a bottle, need to come up with something! Get movin' Bon!
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8:40 PM
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I love her...
This little girl just melts me. Do you see those eyes?! BREATH TAKING! They are stunning in person...they are SO her moms! She is just like my sister! It's so neat, it's like watching my older sister grow up infront of my own eyes! I love my neice Madeline more than words can express. I love that I see her all the time and shes always SO excited to see me. Jumps up and down, hugs me, kisses me, and wants to cuddle with me. She's Cameron's biggest fan. She gets super excited when she see's him, watches over him making sure he doesn't play with things he's not supposed to, and loves him a lot and reminds him that all the time :-) I came across this photo tonight and just had to post it. I just love this little girl so much. Maddie...SaSa LOVES YOU!
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9:19 PM
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A New Set of Wheels...
Cool Dude Cameron...Tryin' out his new set of wheels. His cool new little tikes wagon. This thing is awsome. Its got an area that turns into a cooler, seat belts, the side flips up and back and turns into a bench for mommy/daddy and baby to sit at the park, cup holders, and was even personalized for him by his poppop. See those pretty little ladies? Thats his best bud Maddie and Ger's god daugther Jordan.
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9:07 PM
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Sunday, April 15, 2007
Yup...he's definitly got my sweet tooth. The little man LOVES his sweets. We had a little birthday gathering this weekend and he had a blast. TONS of toys (my house looks like fisher price threw up all over the place!), some nice new clothes, and wonderful bonds. As soon as I put that little cake infront of him he went crazy. Many thanks to everyone who came and made Cam's first birthday a special one for him :-)
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8:06 PM
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Friday, April 13, 2007
Random Post...
Sitting here, trying to think if there are any big updates. Nope. Not really...I will how ever post new pictures after this weekend.
So to all who were wondering, we are all fine and alive and well, just nothing new to post about!
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4:29 PM
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Monday, April 09, 2007
He's One!
I can't believe it. Where has the time gone?!?! I really just am in shock. My 6lbs 11oz at birth baby boy is now 1 years old. Im so sad, yet so happy. Its bittersweet. What has my little boy accomplished in 1 year??
DouuuggghhDog (Dog)
Nin-nee (Nittany)
Baaa (Ball)
Crawling at 9 months
Walking at 6 days shy of 1st birthday
Feeding him self at 10 months
On whole milk at 11 months
Off bottles at 11 months 3 weeks
He's been such a busy man...Happy birthday my baby boy...We love you SO much...
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10:46 PM
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Little Love...
Sunday while walking to dinner, I picked up my camera and snapped a beautiful moment. My father with my neice Madeline. That is his baby girl. His littlest love, his biggest fan, his grand-daughter. The love between the two of them can't be expressed with words. Maddie is always asking for Pop-Pop. You tell Maddie "I love you..." and she in returns says "I lub you pop pop"...never anyone elses name! What does Maddie LOVE to do with pop-pop...pick flowers...they LOVE to pick flowers.
Its funny, I'm sure my sister and mother would totally agree with this. Seeing my father with his grandchildren is a whole different view on my father. Its something we all love to see...
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10:38 PM
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Thursday, April 05, 2007
Yup...thats what Cameron calls Nittany. I realized I haven't posted any pictures of her lately. Here are some new ones. Shes getting HUGE! The first one makes her look so happy.
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8:43 PM
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Thats right, I said WALK! Cameron is walking!
Last night after dinner I took Cameron into the living room to play for a little bit and I brought out some club crackers for him to snack on. I sat a few feet infront of him and he stood up and just walked to me! I screamed for Gerry so loud that I think I scared the little man at first. I just kept getting further and further and he just kept walking across the room. I was so excited I started to tear up. It was just so amazing. GOOOOOOOOOOOO CAMERON!
Notice my new blog layout??? Big thanks to Anne-Marie...check out her cutie pie son on the links on the side of this page called Brick Pic. THANK YOU ANNE-MARIE!! You are the best.
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1:32 PM
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Tuesday, April 03, 2007
The School Yard Bully...
So it's official...I've given birth to the School Yard Bully. I just don't know what to do. It's almost humorous ha ha. Bonnie called me yesterday laughing saying that I need to have a talk with my child.
Bonnie was in the kitchen and Cameron and Maddie were in the living playing around. Bonnie hears Cameron laughing and than hears Maddie say "Buddy Hurts, No Buddy, Buddy Hurts". Bonnie walks around and see's Cameron on top of Maddie hitting her over and over again laughing! Of course Bonnie removed Cameron from Maddie but poor Maddie was scared of him the rest of the day till "SaSa" came and than they kissed and hugged and made up.
So right now Cameron is NumNum (Paci) or TV for a week...we gave him Time Out when he got home. Okay no, not really, but seriously, how do you teach an 11.5 month old that hitting is not nice. We've continually have showed Cameron "Nice" but he just grunts loudly and than SMACKS again and thinks it's funny.
I can just hear it now (Riiiiiinnnnnnnnnnng - work phone) "Hello?" "Um Yes, Mrs.Krauss, this is Cameron's will need to pick him up...he is beating up the other little kids here" GREAT! A peek into my future.
If anyone have suggestions on how to stop him from doing this!? Im alllll ears! :-)
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9:52 AM
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Sunday, April 01, 2007
Our own little Al Bundy
A mother's pride & joy...such a man...its little captures like this that make me realize that I HAVE A BOY!
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8:27 PM
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Lunch With Daddy...
Friday's are an adventure for Cameron & Daddy. Running all over the place. Bonding time=Lunch can really see how much Ger & Cam love to be together. He thinks Daddy is HILARIOUS! Funniest man on the earth if you ask Cameron.
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11:49 AM
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