I was going through my piles and piles of photos that I have yet to edit and saw this awsome picture of my mother in law and Cameron. He loves them so much and had such a good time with his Grandmom going down the slide over and over and over again. This picture just made me melt. Just look at the love! More photos of this family love to come...just a lot to go through but had to post atleast one from this pile :-) Enjoy guys!
Barb, If you want a copy of it without that watermark thing let me know!!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
To Barb-in-Law :-)
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8:31 PM
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Monday, June 25, 2007
As Promised...
So...as promised...more pictures...lets see...
This first one...yeah this was fathers day. We started off the morning with a waffle...than proceeded to Grand moms and Granddads house and had a chocolate chip cookie (hey what happens at their house stays at their house ha ha!), THAN, we went to my parents house and had hamburgers and chocolate iced brownies and of course Cameron had to have some of those too and this is the end result when you tell him hes absolutely had enough junk for the day. NOT a happy camper!
These next 2 were from this evening. Cameron was getting ready for tubby. Look at those sweet cheeks. Couldn't you just pinch em'?
Yeah I could pinch these too ha ha...just too darn cute...he LOVES tubby!
Introducing Norm...yeah...a turtle...as if our life isn't crazy enough, Gerry found a turtle and has decided to invite him to our home. Fun Fun. He doesn't do much...kinda boring ha ha.
And Nittany....this picture cracks me up...its like "duhhhhh...hi" She's doing pretty good with her training...BUT ever since she got fixed its like they did a lobotomy on her and now she's forgetting everything she learned. Gerry is working hard teaching her all the training so hopefully she will catch on quickly again.
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8:09 PM
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Shhh...Listen...You hear that????
No??? Nothing??? That's because Chatty Sandra has laryngitis! FUN! We are going on day 4 now. Everyone thinks its hilarious. Do you know how hard it is to work when your job is to answer a phone?! Just doesn't work very well. Cameron doesn't listen to me...either because he can't hear my raspy voice, or because he knows that I can't really talk and he can get away with more. This morning was the battle of the buttons with Cameron. He figured out how to push the TV buttons on the upstairs TV...switches the channel...yells "Oh Uh Mama Jojo" than waits for me to put back Jojo's circus and than waits till I turn around and proceeds to hit the same buttons again and starts the cycle over. Of course I firmly try to tell him no and stop and he just giggles at me. Must be the super squeaky voice that he thinks is funny. As my father has nicely told me and my coworkers..."her mother and I hoped for these kind of days..." Yeah yeah yeah, that's right, I don't shut up...I like to talk, but that's just me. Isn't that what makes me so lovable? You know it! Anyway...I will try and post some new pictures tonight or tomorrow. Ciao!
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3:59 PM
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Saturday, June 23, 2007
Finally Updating with Pics...
Okay, SO I know I have been VERY bad about updating this blog with pictures. I'm sure that's why half the people that visit do. Soooo...lets start with updates....
Nittany...Getting SOOOOOOOOO big. Cam LOVES her. Every morning he throws his doggy out of his crib, says uh-oh, and than says NINNY!! NINNY!!! He loves to play with her.
Next...I took these pictures right before fathers day. I am SO proud of this next one. I've been trying and trying to get silhouettes and always fail. Think I got it this time!!!! What do you think????
The rest are just 2 random shots...one of Ger playing with his little man. These 2 are just the bestest buds. Its just soo darn cute. The last one Ger snapped with Cam playing on my shoulders.
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9:48 PM
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Watch Your Piggies!
He never ceases to amaze me! He's so smart, really, he is! Yesterday I decided to pull out the vacuum and do the floors downstairs and since Cam the man LOVES to clean with me, he usually pulls out his toy vacuum and vacuums right next to me. I told him "Watch your Piggies" so his cute little toes wouldn't get hit and what does that little man say CLEAR as day?! "Watch your piggies" I couldn't believe it! I must of said it to him about 15 more times and he clearly repeated me over and over and over. I had to call my mom and make her listen, she can attest, that he has really repeated this! Thaaaaaaaan, this morning when I was dropping him off at daycare, his classroom teacher told him to say hi to Lilly...what did he say? "Hi Lilly!" again, clear as day. Isn't he a genius? Okay I know I love to brag, but he's my baby! It's amazing how much this little man has changed in the past year. We love to read books now before bed, especially the one that his Aunt B got him with the little people and sounds. He loves to push that button and listen to mommy sing along over and over and over again. It's just too darn cute.
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4:44 PM
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Monday, June 18, 2007
In the Belly...
Nooooooooo...In Maddies?
YAY!! I'm gonna be an Aunt again! December can't come quick enough!!!!
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9:02 PM
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Friday, June 15, 2007
Check it out...
My awsome sister has a blog now...yup...I passed on the addiction to someone else :-) Check it out...Click the picture
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8:20 AM
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Thursday, June 14, 2007
Elp! Elp! Elp! Elp!
So we have new words now! Cameron has gone through this phase where if he is frustrated over not being able to get his way or can't get something to work he just throws him self on the floor and screams and cries. I've learned to ignore it because it's just making him realize he gets attention and a reaction from mommy and daddy that he thinks is funny. So we finally have taught him "Help" and it's just too darn cute. When he wants to go on his little riding toys he looks at it, than looks over at you, than says "elp, elp, elp, elp". GREAT!! Seems like maybe the hissy fits may be slowing down a TINY bit (if he's anything like his mother, which he seems to be, than they will always be there ha ha). Our other new word is "A done" All Done! After weeks and weeks of back breaking, aggravating, food throwing, we have finally taught Cameron to say it to us. Yesterday was the first time he ever told us it before he started to fling food across the room when he was no longer hungry. I was so excited! Communication is such a great thing!!!!
So lets see...what is the little mans list of words consist of??
Peeze (Please)
Dank Doo (Thank You)
Elp (Help)
A Done (All done)
PeePee (oh yay! Fun word!)
Bye Bye
MMMMwa! (Blowing Kisses)
Wow pretty impressive for a little 14 month old. Such a smart little man!
Okay enough gloating right?
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2:05 PM
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Monday, June 11, 2007
What the Duck Again...
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1:07 PM
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Sunday, June 10, 2007
Congratulations Phil!!!
We joined Gerry's Mom and her close friends to witness her good friend Phil get baptised. It was a beautiful service. Just a quick Congratulations to Phil. Cam sends his love. Hope to see you again soon!
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8:38 PM
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Thursday, June 07, 2007
I know something you dont know...
HAHAHA Gerry...I have your father's day allllllllllll planned out and I am not going to tell you AT ALL...nope...not giving in like I always do. Fun Fun Fun...soooooooooo excited!
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12:37 PM
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