Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Verbal Update....

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So I've been a bad blogger, I know. I don't have any pictures to update the blog with (bad...I know...) but I do have stuff to talk about lol. Lots have been going on, just haven't had time to really pick up the camera and snap photos :-( Sooo...lets see...whats new??

- Bonnie STILL hasn't popped yet...its getting kinda old actually. I've been carrying around my camera bag for 2 weeks now in pure anticipation, waiting, and hoping Mason will come to join us soon, but no, little bugger hasn't made his move. She is 4.5 cm dilated, 80% effaced and baby is at station 3 so it really could be ANY moment now.

- Gerry is building Cameron a toy room for Christmas. Its going to be a Thomas the Tank theme, I will post pictures of the room when its all completed. I can not wait!!!

- Cameron has an obsession with Barney right now. While cute, it is getting kinda old. You can only watch the same 4 dvd's so many times in a row...and just when you think your gonna get lucky by watching the TV channel with it on in hopes its a different episode...NO...its the same darn episode that's on the DVD! Seriously, there has to be more than 5 shows! It is however extremely cute to watch Cameron sing and dance to the "I Love You" song at the end of the show. He will dance and try to sing along and hug and kiss him self, VERY cute!

- I'm actually scared to buy Cameron any Christmas presents this year. Silly right? With all these recalls going on, I feel like I can only buy made in the USA stuff. Do you know how much that limits me?! Thankfully I know little tike's is all USA stuff, but still!

- My cousin Julie is FINALLY engaged now! I am SO excited for her and I can't wait to see her and get all giddy and excited about wedding planning and picking out dresses!

- Cameron knows how to use a spoon perfectly now. He LOVES to eat yogurt. He's so proud of himself too....every time he successfully eats a spoonful, you hear him scream "I did it!" Its hilarious.

- I have to take my family Christmas photo in the upcoming 2 weeks. I must must must do this...I keep forgetting and putting it aside. I must must must do this!

So I think that is about it...I will leave you with these...Cameron, 1 year ago...my my has he grown so much....

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