2/28/2007 She's a Ham!
So this evening we had our neighbor's daugthers Kait and Meg over. Meg is trained to be a ham on the camera I think. If she even see's me pick up my camera she makes such a ham face. I just love taking pictures of these girls. Her mommy & daddy taught her how to do "cheese" and it's hilarious. Keri (girl's mommy) went next door for a little bit and I pulled my camera out and this is what I get. Keri hasn't seen these yet and I just had to share them with everyone. What a little ham Meg is.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
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8:38 PM
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
2/27/2007 Just an update...
Sorry no photos to post, been super busy with 2 babies :-) Just thought I would post an update about both of them.
Cameron is standing on his own once he pulls up. He lets go and just stands there, dressing him is SO much easier sometimes now. We have mastered self feeding and the pincer grasp too! Its so cute and you can tell he is sooooooo proud of himself. I think we are starting the teething cycle again. Ugh...runny nose, cranky, touching his ears...fun fun fun. I really think the hylands teething tablets are working though. I can only pray.
Now...baby #2...Nittany...what a cutie pie! Right now she is sleeping under our kitchen table belly up! So cute! She is starting to whimper by the back door now already to let you know she needs to go out. She has had a few accidents here and there, but all in all, shes doing great!!! We still pretty much have to keep the kiddo's seperate, Nittany doesn't know not to jump on poor Cameron and Cameron doesn't know "nice". All in good time right?
Well night night for now!
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7:41 PM
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
2/25/2007 Welcome Nittany!
Here she is...twice the size from when we first picked her out. She's got quiet the personality. She's doing very good right now...car ride home was a little bumpy but all is okay now. Cameron just adores her but she doesn't know gentle...well both of them don't know gentle touch. Cam pulls on her and she pounces on him haha. Here are some pictures of Nittany from Saturday!
Just have to add this one of Cam the Man...being silly playing inside with his hat on.
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3:34 PM
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Friday, February 23, 2007
2/23/2007 She will be here tomorrow!!!!!
So tomorrow is the big day for Gerry! We are leaving the house around 8am to pick up his puppy dog. He is sooooooooooooooooo excited. I am really excited for him too, this is something he has wanted for so long! I can't wait to see Cameron and Madeline play with her too. Everything is all ready at our house for the big arrival for Nittany. I will post pictures of her this weekend for everyone to see. You can really see the excitment in Gerry's eyes.
I know this is an old picture but it really just shows his excitment....
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7:50 AM
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
2/18/2007 10 month Portraits...
Talk about a pain in the butt! This kid LOVES to crawl allllll around. I wish I had all my back drops and what not when he was teeny tiny and didn't know how to move haha. Atleast what I was able to capture turned out okay. The last 2 didn't turn out the way I liked but these are my favorites. Enjoy! CC if you want!
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6:58 PM
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
2/13/2007 Happy Valentines Day!!!!
Okay...so I know I have really been behind updating my blog. The little man is keeping us SO busy. We are getting everything ready for our new family member Nittany, who arrives in 2 weeks (Ger is SUPER excited), waiting for our new furniture to come (FINALLY getting rid of those dumb pillow back couches!!!), and chasing after Cam the man. I posted pictures from over the weekend that I got of both Cameron and Madeline. She's such a hoot...she kept running around screaming "buttons!" (candy buttons) to mom untill she folded and gave her some.
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7:36 PM
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Thursday, February 08, 2007
2/8/2007 I've Been Tagged!
by Jami to post 6 weird things about myself.
Lets see....
1. I have an odd obsession with keeping 1 diaper from every size Cameron has grown out of so far and I keep them on his changing table. Ugh, I get so depressed seeing that size "N" diaper...I can't remember him being that tiny :-(
2. I have novelty socks for every occasion. I even wore them on my wedding day under my dress and even got Gerry to wear a pair :-)
3. I'm obsessed with the color purple. My old car was purple, my kitchen is, my kitchen aid mixer is, almost all my clothes are, flip flops...oh the list goes on...
4. I refuse to clean out old food from the fridge and make Gerry do it. I can't stand it...makes me gag...I've even made a trade with Gerry last week for him to do it and I would take the baby 3 nights in a row if he woke up, just so I didn't have to touch week old food in the fridge ha ha.
5. I still buy Barbie dolls and I'm 25 years old! I just love them! NO, I don't play with them, I collect them.
6. I've always wanted to dress up and look like Olivia Newton John "Sandy" from Grease in that final scene where she's in those tight black pants and shoulder hugging shirt with puffy curly hair...it would be so cool! Now I just have to work on my figure ha ha!
Now hmmmmmmmmm who to tag...Becky
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1:55 PM
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Wednesday, February 07, 2007
2/7/2007 Who has my name?
HowManyOfMe.com | ||
HowManyOfMe.com | ||
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12:42 PM
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Tuesday, February 06, 2007
2/6/2007 It Came! Yay!
My 7 million dollar home has arrived! Its awsome! Its soooooooooooooo roomy! I am so excited. I am amazed how fast it came to. I ordered it from Crumplerusa.com on Saturday night and it came today (Tuesday)!!!! Its an awsome birthday present! Thank you mommy & daddy!!!!!!
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8:08 PM
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Sunday, February 04, 2007
2/4/2007 Sooooo Big on the Superbowl
Cameron now knows how to do SOOOOOOOOOO BIG! Talk about being a ham.
We are at home tonight watching the super bowl & just got done watching the half time show. Ugh Prince?! EWWW! I mean don't get me wrong, he does have great music, but personally I think they could of picked someone better. Now the National Anthem...Billy Joel...Great! Now they should of used him for half time. He's great! LOVE me some Billy Joel. Ger hates Billy Joel...he LOVES Weird Al...EW! I get SO annoyed when he plays his music, espeically when its a spin off of my Billy Joel..."Sing us a Song you the Piano Man...." or as Ger likes it "Spin us a Web your the Spider Man". NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Okay anyway, way off topic now haha. Half Time is over and here are some pictures from this weekend. All just random shots, but still cute.
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8:17 PM
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