Tuesday, October 21, 2008

10 on Tuesday

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1 - Soooooooooooooooo I had a FABULOUS weekend. I had an amazing opportunity to assist the SUPER talented Susan Stripling at a wedding in PA. It was SO much fun and I really can't wait to help her out again in the future. I learned SO much...so so so much.

2 - Cameron's imagination is running wild anymore. He is absolutely convinced that Swiper from Dora is gonna take his stuff or come get him. He even dreams about it and in the middle of the night you can hear him say "No swiper no no!" I keep explaining that swiper isn't real, but that doesn't matter, he is still 100% convinced.

3 - Today was Pajama day at daycare. Cameron couldn't understand why I would take him to daycare with PJ's still on. He looked at me as if I had screws loose. It was very funny.

4 - Vocabulary has grown SO much. The sentences he is talking now are big. I went to pick him up yesterday from daycare and he ran to me and said "Oh Mommy! I so glad you found me! Oh my goodness!"

5 - I'm thinkin' of going to WPPI this year but trying to find good deals on hotels since that is the only thing that is killing me. Anyone have any good deals they want to let me in on lol?

6 - So I made chili on Sunday for dinner. Usually Cameron won't touch the stuff. So I did what every other mother does (I think lol), I bribed him...I told him that if he took a bite of rice and chili, I would give him a cookie...I'll be damned if the kid ate almost a WHOLE BOWL of the chili and than demanded the cookie :)

7 -

8 - So I just got a phone call from daycare. Cameron apparently just fell on his face and scraped up his forehead. No bumps/bruises, just lots of scrapes. Man oh man do I have a boy.

9 - Cameron gets to spend the night over mommom & poppop's this weekend...he has informed me that they have M&M's and he NEEDS them :)

10 - November 4th (Election Day) can't come quick enough. I am sick sick sick of all the phone calls, tv commercials, radio commercials and flyer's in my mailbox. I had 4...yes 4 phone calls in 2 hours last night about the elections all the way up to 8:45pm last night. I'm just ready for it to be OVER. O-V-E-R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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